Ahmadinejad has threatened Israel with destruction should it intervene in Lebanon this summer again.
The Lebanese people should be thankful to the Iranian leader who is so thoughtful.
Last summer, Ahmadinejad offered the same support to the Syrian people in the event Israel attacked Syria. Back then,
while Lebanon was being bombed to near annihilation, the very considerate Ahmadinejad threatened Israel with destruction
if it attacked Syria. So the Syrian people should also be thankful to this generous man.
Some might ask "but why didn't he threaten Israel when Lebanon was
actually being bombed last summer?"
To such ungrateful people I say "Ahmadinejad does not make empty promises."
When he promises something he delivers. And so he only promises when he knows he will not have to deliver...
Because imagine the moment comes when Ahmadinejad is obliged to deliver on his promise! What a mess that would be. Israel could be hit by a couple missiles. In return, Syria and Iran could have several large cities wiped off the map, the nuclear sites of Iran something of the past, and the leaders of Syria and Iran either toppled or hiding in dungeons.
So Ahmadinejad is also a wise man. He wouldn't want something bad to happen to Iran and his people. This is why he has to strike a balance between the support he offers to Arab nations and the consequences of such a support.
In summary, we should be reasonable and only expect from Ahmadinejad
non-empty empty promises. And we should rejoice because we now know that Israel
was not planning any invasion this summer since Ahamadinejad has just offered us the full backing of his mighty power.