Hassan Nasrallah is another interesting character. He is surely a smart man but his ideas and speeches defy logic. There are no normal nations in the world that have a group of heavily armed people outside the army, and yet he insists on keeping his weapons. Obviously the goal is not to protect Lebanon from Israel since the latter can blow up all of Lebanon with missiles and warplanes while Hezbollah is watching. Indeed, when Israel was blowing up power station after power station, Hezbollah was watching helpless. Helpless since none of the Resistance’s weapons can reach the warplanes! Ouch! Hassan Nasrallah forgot to diversify his arsenal like any modern military!
Another of Hassan Nasrallah’s blunders is that the Resistance’s weapons will never be turned against a Lebanese party. At the same time he launches threats that the arm, leg and soul of whoever tries to take his weapons by force will be broken. Who is the target of these threats? Israel and the US? Well, if he can break the arm of the US that would be something. Almighty Saddam couldn’t! These threats are empty, directed especially at keeping the Lebanese population in fear. Great job Mr. Nasrallah! Keep the Lebanese people fearful of civil war. This is the true goal behind your shameless Resistance. I don’t think any Israeli is having trouble sleeping but many many Lebanese can’t close an eye at night because of your elegant threats.
With all due respect, a few old technology missiles cannot protect Lebanon against an aggression from Israel, Mr. Nasrallah. By the way, this is technology that was invented in the West many decades ago. Using, against your enemy, an obsolete technology that was invented by your enemy is kind of stupid, don’t you think? Don’t you think that your enemy has developed ways to neutralize this old technology?
Here’s a proposal to Mr. Nasrallah.
Since he thinks so highly of Syria, and since he is so eager to defend the Arab cause, and since so many in Lebanon are ungratefully complaining about his army, and since in Syria there is currently no Resistance of the kind that he has, and since the occupied Golan is much larger than the Shebaa farms and in more urgent need for liberation, I suggest that Mr. Nasrallah and his army move to Syria.
This is a win-win move since I suppose the Syrian people will be more grateful, and the thorny issue with at least half of the Lebanese people will be resolved. Once in Syria, Hezbollah will be able to receive all the gratitude of the valiant Syrian people (assuming they are more supportive of the Arab cause than the unappreciative and coward Lebanese). The party will benefit from direct and full support of its beloved Syrian regime. It will have access to much needed weapons without having to deal with obnoxious Lebanese border customs. And it should have an open platform to wage incessant attacks on Israel, especially that the Syrian regime will be eager to let the Resistance begin the liberation of Arab land, starting from the Golan Heights. There is no reason to doubt that Nasrallah will succeed where Nasser and Assad failed.
However, there is one minor problem.
What if many Syrians, just like many Lebanese, are unappreciative cowards who do not like the idea of Mr. Nasrallah’s buddies carrying weapons in the streets of Syria?
To solve this minor problem, I propose a simple opinion poll in Syria:
- If a majority of Syrians will be happy with the idea of Mr. Nasrallah and company settling in Syria, then the case is closed.
- If, on the other hand, a majority of Syrians will be unhappy with the armed group moving to Syria, then Mr. Nasrallah should realize that his militia is unwelcome in many Arab nations and that he has to rethink the reason of its existence. If rejected by half the population of Lebanon and Syria, I think the best solution for Hezbollah is to disarm and join the political life. Or join the Lebanese, or Syrian, official armies.
Long live Lebanon and the Arab nations.
right! and you should move to your US...
You said: " Great job Mr. Nasrallah! Keep the Lebanese people fearful of civil war. This is the true goal behind your shameless Resistance "
Well as far as i can remember, it was The Backward sectarian feudal lord-mass murderer Walid Bayk Jomblat (notice the socialist bayk) who was behind scaring the lebanese off after his speach to LBCI during the elections of b3abda-3aley ..... so please stop distorting facts ...and have some logic will you !!!
And your mom should move out of my house!
Happy arab,great post...great point.
I noticed how immature are some of the replies ...sad...those people need to be send for education or Re-education.
Completely agree with you. Let's see the willingness of our dear "brothers" to liberate Arab land.
Did you just copy and paste from Hazem Saghieh's editorials? How brilliant.
I have not copy pasted from anyone and I have not heard of Hazem Saghieh before you posted this comment. Please let me know if some articles appear very similar because this likely means Hazem Saghieh copy pasted from my blog site. Then I will complain to him.
I'm sure if Hassan "Goebbels" Nasrallah had studied botany instead of becoming a self-indulgent religious fanatic hell-bent on destroying other human beings he could have turned out to be a jolly nice chap. Well he's got the beard and the sandals so he's already halfway there - it's never too late to change...
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