Monday, July 10, 2006

General Aoun's Political Agenda

General Aoun has quite a diversified political agenda. It takes a different color every day of the week. Only Michel and China are capable of handling such a colorful agenda.

Marxist Monday:

All Lebanese must be equal. We have to increase the tax rates in order to give a decent welfare to the poor, free education and universal healthcare. Public utilities should be nationalized to prevent them from being used for profit.

Capitalist Tuesday:

Lebanon’s standard of living must improve. The economy should expand by 10% each year. We have to decrease tax rates to encourage local and foreign investments. We have to give full support to innovation and small and medium size corporations. We may privatize some of the utilities to discourage monopoly that results in bad public service.

Anarchist Wednesday:

The government is the source of all evil. It is equally abusing all Lebanese people. All departments are corrupt and badly need re-organization. Even the justice department is screwed up. We must reduce all departments to a minimum (excluding the highly strategic position of the presidency).

Dictatorship Thursday:

Corruption and mess are widespread. The country’s situation is spiraling out of control. Lebanon needs a ruler with hands of steel. The army will take over and the secret service will make sure that everyone is following the rules. We need a major clean up until the mentality of the people changes. It may take a couple decades.

Imperialist Friday:

America is pissing us off. Russia too. France and Germany likewise. We are going to build the atom bomb. We will attack Syria first and then move upwards onto Turkey. We will then invade Russia, take over Alaska and finally move straight down onto California and New York. The Lebanese empire will last one or two millenniums.

Resting Saturday:

A break in the villa in Rabieh or the apartment in Paris. Dinner with Chirac in the Elysee.

TV Sunday:

Trash Siniora and Chirac on TV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it quite funny and VERY TRUE the way u presented General's Aoun daily agenda
my friend, we're in real need of great leaders.I wonder if he even cares about the history that is being written everyday the history that keeps calling him to work for the country not against it.I wonder how general aoun and his party feels about the Canadian government cracking down on all Tayyar and hezbollah suppoters in Toronto and Chicago.Anyway, great post :)