Tuesday, March 04, 2008

General Aoun's Great Sense of Humor

General Aoun has recently given the following advice to Israel: war and aggression don't work.

But he forgot to give that same advice to his ally Hezbollah. And he forgot to use himself that piece of advice during his endless wars in 1989 and 1990.

Note, especially, that wars have benefited Israel over the past 60 years: it acquired more and more land, resources and power. It is now a technological and military superpower. On the other hand, wars have never benefited the Arabs, in particular they did not benefit Aoun himself (the warmonger).

So I am not sure what Israel can make of this piece of advice other than replying to Aoun: "thank you for your great advice. But WE are a superpower today, and YOU were until recently hiding in your exile. Since we do not wish to end up exiled like you were, we urge you to keep your great wisdom to yourself. However, your sense of humor is very much appreciated."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! where have you been?! long time since the last post! a lot is happening and we would like to hear what you have to say about it...