Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Darwin Award

For a definition of the Darwin Award, you could refer to:

Hassan Nasrallah made a non-fatal mistake: kidnap 2 Israeli soldiers.
It wasn't fatal because often a mistake can be corrected.

Indeed, Hassan Nasrallah could have, for example, returned the kidnapped soldiers unconditionally.

Or, once the war ignited, he could have asked his soldiers to strategically withdraw from the South and avoid the clashes with the Israeli army... for many reasons:

- prevent the bloodshed of LEBANESE civilians,
- prevent the destruction of the South of LEBANON and many other parts of the country,
- prevent the LEBANESE Shiites from loosing their homes, cars, jobs, savings, schools, hospitals, etc.,
- prevent the LEBANESE Shiites from fleeing to an unknown future,
- prevent his army from being decimated,
- and remain politically strong, backed by a non-decimated army.

But the "non-fatal" mistake became a "fatal decision" once Hassan Nasrallah stood to fight a volcano, a mighty superpower.

Will he deserve the trophy of the Darwin Award in 2006?

It seems Arafat's army in 1982 ran away from the South. That prevented many massacres and it kept the PLO's army in relatively good shape. Arafat outlasted the 1982 invasion by more than 20 years.

Will Hassan Nasrallah be able to outlast the current invasion by 20 years?
Once you hear a volcano roaring, would you sit underneath?

Note that in the above I stressed the words LEBANON and LEBANESE in capital letters. This is to say that if anyone should care about this country and people it should be Hassan Nasrallah rather than Ehud Olmert. The latter couldn't care less since he has no LEBANESE passport.

Once again I reiterate my opinion that the best way to deal with Israel is to give it peace. Hassan Nasrallah chose the war and he is paying a hefty price. Not just himself, but all of his fellow citizens will pay a very big price.

What is Israel paying? A few scratches on some buildings? They will recover any losses in a few months. Lebanon will reel under the destructions for a decade.

Someone gave the example that Hezbollah today can be compared to the Zionist terrorists in the 1940s. They started weak and small but defeated mighty armies and created a superpower in a few decades. However, I don't think this analogy holds. The Zionist terrorists were backed by the brightest brains on this planet. They invented modern science, modern technology and modern art. What are the backers of Hezbollah inventing?

According to Charles Darwin, the fittest or the smartest will survive.
Rather than building bunkers, Hassan Nasrallah should have built schools.
The weapon of the future is education, not Katyusha.


Anonymous said...

Good article.

Anonymous said...

Lebanon was doing fine until Hezbollah decided to push the self-destruct button by pissing off the Israelis with the usual predictable results. Hamas have likewize kept the Palastinians an illiterate pariah state that lives on hand-outs. The Taliban is hell-bent on turning Afghanistan into a feudal backwater and Iran's hardliners are busy arming any religious zealot with a grudge and a trigger finger. Where is the pay-off for the ordinary citizens ? Where's the morality ? Where's the humanity ? Where are the nice bits ?

Anonymous said...

Gosh we need more people like you ...great article and I agree we need to build more schools not katyusha.
Peace will only come when radical Islamics love their kids more than they hate the west.