Saturday, February 24, 2007

Let them eat Uranium!

"If they have no bread, then let them eat cake!"

These words were attributed to Marie Antoinette a bit before the French revolution sent her to the guillotine. But it is unlikely she said them.

However, Ahmadinejad is undoubtedly saying out loud to the Iranian people "Let them eat Uranium!"

The religious clique governing Iran seriously thinks that it is more important for the country to engage in nuclear research, even if Iran has to stop any other kind of research for the next 10 years!

Forget Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Medicine, Psychology, Economics, Social Sciences, Literature, Art, etc. Forget any field that improves technology and generates wealth.

Just focus on Nuclear. If the people are hungry they can have half a kilo of Uranium or Polonium.

In the meantime, the Iranians are queuing up in thousands at the door of foreign embassies to leave the country. Reason: poverty, no jobs, no future. The religious clique is oblivious to their plight.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Striking Similarity

USA has the largest debt in history
Lebanon has the largest debt in history

US government signed Patriot Act
Lebanese government signed International Tribunal

US government took the country to a disaster war
Lebanese… opposition took the country to a disaster war

US opposition contemplates the idea of impeaching Bush
Lebanese opposition has already impeached Siniora

US opposition is working within the congress
Lebanese opposition has blocked the parliament

US opposition has won the majority in congress
Lebanese opposition… believes it will win majority in parliament

US opposition waited for elections to win majority
Lebanese opposition can't wait!