Thursday, August 31, 2006


On October 13, 1990, general Aoun did not have the time to pack his stuff as he fled Baabda wearing nothing but underpants.

He was prime minister at the time and, 16 years later, he continues to believe that all prime ministers terminate their mandate in underpants, with no time to pack.

What a monkey!

I used to think of Aoun as another Hitler.
But now I think of Aoun as another Bozo the clown (Hitler wasn't an idiot!).

Before returning from Stockholm, Siniora should ask "General Aoun, should I stay in Stockholm or it is OK if I return to pack my stuff?"


Anonymous said...

today he the FPMers accuse Jumblatt of throwing himself in the arms of Israel and have a headline news about Jumblatt who met with an Israeli MP(which actually was a coincidence), they call him a traitor, a shallow head and a personal that needs serious help for personality disorder.I wonder if Aoun or his supporters seem themlseves jumping into the syrian arms.
Did they already miss the corruption? Did they miss the Syrian boot?
Only if they stop those accusations and use that energy on their websites and blogs to move on with the country towards Peace once and for all.

Anonymous said...

Are there many Christians still supporting Aoun? Any statistics on that?