Saturday, September 02, 2006

Ahmadinejad's Blogsite

What a mistake for Ahmadinejad to start his own blog!
Before reading his blog, I was under the impression that he is an intelligent man. How disappointed I am to realize he is as fanatical and ignorant as Bush. We are living in dangerous times with these two men on top!

Ahmadinejad seems to put the entire blame of the misery of Iran exclusively on the West and especially the US. But here are some observations that he seemed to have missed:

South Korea and Japan are examples that the West does not necessarily abuse nations. The two nations are now economically stronger and richer than most Western nations. They also have some of the most advanced scientific research in the world.

West Germany was also occupied by the US. And Germany today is quite independent from the US and is one of the super economies of the world.

Iran was never occupied by the US.
How come Japan, South Korea and Germany who were occupied by the US managed to become super economies and super advanced nations while Iran, who wasn't occupied by the US remained behind?

Blaming the US is way too easy. I agree that the US and the West share a big part of the blame. But a bigger part of the blame lies in the hands of the Iranian people. It is childish to run away from your responsibilities, Ahmadinejad.

You could say that because of oil, the US treated Iran and the Arab world differently from Japan and Germany.
Or that the US may have tried to exert control over Japan and Germany but it failed because the two nations were already quite powerful and advanced. However, it succeeded with the weaker and less advanced Iran.

It's true to some extent.
But South Korea was a poor nation. Yet it managed to succeed brilliantly and the US doesn't control a thing in South Korea today.

And here's why the US never succeeded in controlling Germany and Japan: these two countries put the wars behind them, discarded nuclear energy (although many Germans were the fathers of the nuclear age), did not have any significant armies, and focused on CIVIL TECHNOLOGIES, SOCIAL PROGRAMS, SCIENCE and ART. Japan and Germany today focus on new technologies such as biotech, nanotech, robotics, hybrid car engines, etc. This is where the money is. Nuclear research is old stuff with little money to be made from. Universities in the US do not invest much in nuclear research compared to newer technologies.

What is Iran doing today? Rather than accepting the offer of the EU for more trade, for lifting all kinds of sanctions, and so on, Iran stands alone in defiance. Iran wants to focus on nuclear research and forgets the much more lucrative biotech and nanotech.

Had Germany and Japan in 1970 taken a similar stance to Iran today, defying the world, insisting on nuclear research and ignoring the more important technologies, Germany and Japan would have been wiped out, back to dark age.

Remember Iraq in 1990? Didn't you think at the time that Saddam is stupid? Rather than focusing on civil programs, Saddam went invading other nations. Whether it was his right or not, the world does not function by right and wrong. The world is a jungle where the smartest, strongest and fittest survive. All Saddam had to do was take it easy, and slowly and silently build Iraq's economical power (which is far more important than military power. Civil programs are far more productive than military programs).

So why is Iran, contrary to Germany, Japan and South Korea, going on a route that can lead it to bankruptcy at best? It is simply because Iran is not a democracy. Therefore, rather than bringing on top bright people who know what is the best for their nation, Iran brings on top some backward thinking religious fanatics who are clueless and who will end up doing more harm than good to Iran.

The main difference between South Korea and Iran is that the former is a democracy while Iran is a theocracy. This is the main reason why Iran is behind, Ahmadinejad, not because of the West. So South Korea, without any oil resources becomes an economic superpower while Iran is wasting time trying to get nuclear energy or weapons (whatever).

Who cares about nuclear weapons anyway?! They can't be used! If Iran blows one nuclear bomb, it will be wiped off the map, so what's the point? As a deterrent (or as an incitement)? Against what? Is anyone trying to invade Iran (unless Iran insists on nuclear programs)? What are nuclear weapons serving Pakistan and India? They just make them look like bad guys. Sweden does not have any such weapons, by the way. What is more prestigious today, Pakistan or Sweden?

In fact, there is a higher chance that a nuclear weapon or a nuclear site in Iran blows on its own (like Chernobyl) and kills Iranian people. And a much lower chance that an Iranian nuclear bomb ever kills an Israeli person. So is this nuclear program directed against Iranians? Masochistic Ahmadinejad!

In any case, Ahmadinejad is making a huge confusion. The West is not one person or one entity. It is a multitude of people, of countries, of ideas that are often opposed to each other: sometimes religious, sometimes atheist, sometimes capitalistic, sometimes communist, sometimes for war, sometimes for peace, sometimes for slavery, sometimes for human rights, etc.

The West too has struggled with all the kind of problems that the family of Ahmadinejad struggled with. Poverty, urbanization, suburbs, religions, wars, etc. By a historical accident, the West happened to have some decades of advance over the other civilizations. So the West experimented will all kinds of ideas and systems. Slowly it converged toward the model that we all know today. This model is far from perfect, most Westerners agree to that. It is a model that works to some extent, but also a model that is destroying nature. Westerners are realizing it and slowly tweaking the model to save the Earth, if possible. All civilizations have destroyed nature to the extent they were able to. The first people to reach Australia wiped all mammals out. We can't blame the Westerners for all the tragedies of this planet. They are one part of it.

My point being that rather than standing up like a cock and defying the West, we have to learn from their experience and then improve upon it. There is no point in repeating everything they went through. In 2006 we can study their past centuries and see what they did right and wrong and choose a decent path for Iran and the Arab world.

The most urgent change we need in Iran and in Arabia is to have democracies that on average elect smart people as leaders, and quickly correct bad choices by removing lousy leaders. This way we prevent the ignorant fanatics from leading us into the abyss.

See how America will push Bush aside and bring a better president next time. Will something like that ever happen in Iran???

Ahmadinejad, forget the nuclear weapons that can only bring death and poverty to your people (and to other people). Focus on biotech and nanotech. Believe me. You can overpass South Korea one day if you follow this advice. Otherwise, you will continue to be the slave of your religious beliefs. And stop blaming the West for your troubles. The answer to your problems lies in your hands.


Unknown said...

trying to destroy Israel - or "The Zionist Entity" as their textbooks call it - for the last fifty years has allowed the rulers of Arab countries to divert the attention of their own people away from the fact that they're the blue-ribbon most illiterate, poorest, and tribally backward on G-d's Earth, and if you've ever been around G-d's Earth, you know that's really saying something.

Anonymous said...

are you under the illusion that if South Korea and Japan became rich it is because of America ?
I dont think so , it is because they are workaholic , they work very hard that s all .