Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Modest Request From a Christian Militia

Dear Prime Minister of Lebanon, Mr. Fouad Siniora, aka Mr. Fouad Sanyourah,

This letter is to ask for your permission to buy arms and missiles for some Christian militia in Lebanon. We hope you understand the position of this militia and will give it your green light.

You see, there are other armed militias in Lebanon.
So it seems forming militias and carrying weapons in Lebanon is something legal.
Moreover, the Christians, a minority in Lebanon and the Middle East today, do feel threatened just like the Palestinians and other factions. The request to militarize is quite justified.

As long as there are other people carrying arms in Lebanon, we cannot accept any rejection of this modest request.

Please note that the Christian militia has plans to buy the most sophisticated missiles you can find on the market. No compromise on quality. The entire world will look in admiration at the display of weapons and power. Something to be proud of as a Lebanese, from any region and any sect.

Yours truly,

Happy Arab

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another thought provoking post, Happy. Thanks.